Current Events

Monday, January 10, 2011

Egg-on-My-Face Book

How I Survived Facebook

I had gotten a couple of Facebook invitations in my junk mail from people I know well, and I kept seeing things on NBC, MSNBC and elsewhere on TV that said such and such was available from them on Facebook.  I decided to try it out in a cautious way, joined and responded to the people who had invited me and sent feelers to a couple of others in the same group and to my daughter.  Bang.  Apparently Facebook then had access to my whole email contacts list and sent invitations to everyone on it, including my wife's friends, some of whom I've never met.  I accepted all of the positive responses, so that I would be certain not to forget them when I shut the whole thing down.  I sent an apology to everyone who had responded one way or another.  It was all over in 48 hours  It’s uncomfortable to think that more bogus invitations are probably still out there lying in people’s in-baskets or junk mail folders, and I expect there will still be some more clean up.

I can report that two or three people out of at least 20 who commented had something positive to say about Facebook.  All the rest were negative and their senders mostly said they never check it any more or that they were in the process of backing themselves out of it.  Many mentioned privacy concerns.  Such concerns have to be real when an organization has access to your personal information, and you have no way of knowing what they will do with it.

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